At Ma’arifado, we have 5 sacred  universal totems, their characteristics is what drives our awakening and prepares us to face the challenges of our day to day life. Lion, Leopard, Eagle, Shark and Anpu.

LION :Leadership, Warrior and Fighter

LEOPARD : Intelligent, fastest on the Land and Independent of his territory.

EAGLE: Good Hunter and most intelligent of all birds.

SHARK: Violent animal leaves in a reserved environment different from every other animal, can fight to get whatever it wants

ANPU :The Protector of our Ba after we pass on, He ensures SOUL THEFT don’t snatch or imprison our Ba as we pass on to join the righteous Ankhcestors.


Our Mission is to help every Melanin Dominant Hueman, Nurture, and Experience an Effective CULTURAL CONGRUENT LIFE by interacting with revered and righteous  Ankhcestors and Divinities.


Through Bantu Foundations Modules, You Will Be Exposed To Religious Misinformation And Learn The Real Spiritual Science you need to advance your daily consciousness. You will begin to master the ancient influence Africans had on western and European culture and religion. This will rebuild the self-esteem of the Bantus with ability to deal effectively with exposure to the system of white supremacy and racism.

Millions of Africans even in the diaspora and many other Non-Africans have been programmed to dismiss anything African as worthless. The core Bantu Foundation knowledge will help dispel for good such nefarious and insidious in-built mental slides. These are the spell-like erroneous notions in anyone who wants to uncover the foundation of religion, western invention and education then grow their knowledge and/or spirituality. For those of other cultures that are open to learning these concepts it shows that Africans were the major player in developing politics, government, medicine, and science worldwide. You are free to enroll. With Bantu Foundations Teaching, you will have resources to fact check for yourself, and gain a basic understanding so that you can understand the foundation of what is correct or wrong about our world.

Therefore, Ma’arifa is your place to be, we promote the resurrection and empowerment of Afrikan people through a knowledge of the TRUTH about their ancient spiritual and cultural heritage. The goal of Maarifado is to help Bantus begin to examine their inner self, to identify and dispel those characteristics that are foreign to us and inhibit our spiritual, personal growth and empowerment.

Enroll for Bantu Foundations and find out how the Priest Teacher Khamit answers the following questions.

  • Who did Africans pray to before slavery?
  • 5 major religious beliefs that destroy the black community.
  • The difference between being religious and spiritual.
  • Why self-hating slave inspired prayer keeps you trapped in mental bondage.
  • Who defines YOUR Identity?
  • If Adham was a European where did the black person and Asians come from?

The fact is that African teachings are at the foundation of every civilization on earth, exposing how Religion and Western Education twisted and changed the original African teachings. Confused? Conflicted? Had your beliefs and learning shattered?

Astrology, astronomy, medicine, science, biology, earth science was all practiced thousands of years ago before modern day civilization. The Africans didn’t compartmentalize these sciences as if they are all something different and separate from each other. They saw all things connected.

Benefits of Bantu Foundations to Scholars is the inculcation of a Philosophy that eventually culminates in one accepting as reality that –

(i)   The whole Earth is OURS…

(ii)  Awakening OUR Lives is based on attachment to The Original pristine Original Divinity.

(iii) To Apply OUR natural Advantages and to Unleash OUR Potential to achieve anything that is morally great!

(iv)  To Be alive Longest

(v) Unlearning Limiting Religious Beliefs is mentally detoxifying, hence removing conditioned Self-Sabotage, releasing any Fear, Letting Go Of Guilt, Healing From Shame And Mistrust and You Become A Beacon In A Sea Of Extreme Negativity

With Love from PTR. LMDumizulu. of (Maarifado KHEM)
President: Ma’arifa Development Organisation
Subscribe to YouTube Channel and share with as many people as possible:


This is a deep end introductory package prepared only for Bantus-Melanin Dominant Individuals to advance their personal awareness and daily consciousness about the true nature of the SELF (Activated identity) in UBuntu Consciousness Worldwide.


With our Professional Instructors, You can obtain knowledge of self and behave as we were created to behave with full consciencism


Reading Black Consciousness books is the fastest way for Bantu Family to gain knowledge of self.
By reading just one or two of these scrolls each month, you will have a deeper understanding of the weapons of deception that is ruining the world, your place in the world, and the definition of Black Consciousness.


Learn how to activate your Totems, invent and make discoveries with it. An individual is qualified to participate in this programme after completing Bantu Foundations.


We are All BaNtus/Muntus of ONE BIG Family. we Teach and Share with people of Bantu/MuNtu Origins and Ancestry how to use spiritual solutions developed by our Ancestors to confront many modern challenges.

Talk to PTR LMD

Thanks for wanting to associate with us, We are All BaNtus/Muntus of ONE BIG Family. This is a hearty welcome. A huge pleasure in knowing You. You did not select this path OUR ANKHCESTORS have called YOU to a GREATER Work. Welcome, home.

With Love from PTR.LMDumizulu. of (KHAMITHIBIRU ETHICS MA’ARIFADO). Send me an e-mail and book me for a Seminar, Debate/ Event concerning any questions on Khamiti Hibiru Science, Ankhcient Bantu Civilisation and Bantu Totemic Ways of life.

Become a Member with Bantu Family

Join the Big Bantu Family, create a chapter in your location and connect with many conscious people looking to connect with you. We are building an Organization which is ETHICALLY, HISTORICALLY, MORALLY AND SPIRITUALLY STRONG. Khamiti Hibiru Ethic Ma’arifado, (KHEM) is committed to achieving true Ba-Ntu Way of Life as a self-sufficient nation and help other Ba-Ntus unite globally.

Get Started

After completing Our Bantu Foundations Online Course, the scholar is now eligible to PICK ANY PLAN from our list membership Categories to further advance his/her knowledge of Ubuntu Consciousness.

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