Khamit Hibiru Ethics Ma’arifado {KHEM} is an international network of Bantus Brotherhood whose aim is to guide all Bantus worldwide towards true Self Identify, Self liberation, Restoration and Recovery of SOUL LEVEL CONSCIOUSNESS through Khamitic Spiritual Science.


We do not recognize any tribe as special, or nationalist groups, special cultural background, boundaries, borders, ethnicity barriers or differences. We are All BaNtus, we are here to literally live a life of our True Identity and Freedom as Bantus…, and when we are free, we shall take the freedom to our BaNtus worldwide.



We are building an Organization which is ETHICALLY, HISTORICALLY, MORALLY AND SPIRITUALLY STRONGKhamit Hibiru Ethics Ma’arifado {KHEM} is committed to achieving true Ba-Ntu Way of Life as a self-sufficient nation and help other Ba-Ntus unite globally.













Our Philosophies are as Follows:

  • To actively contribute to the social and economic development of the BaNtu communities in which we operate and to be an organization that continually respond to the changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge, towards the development of a sustainable society that promotes and protects the equality, social justice and Human Rights for all.
  • “A peaceful United and healthy world offering the marginalized BaNtus an opportunity to have a say and be involved in the socio-economic development decisions affecting them”.
  • A BaNtu focused organization working towards peace, unity, social and economic empowerment through Advocacy, psychosocial support, sensitization, community outreaches, networking, educational support, environmental protection and conservation
  • To actively contribute to the social and economic development of the BaNtu communities in which we operate and to be an organization that continually respond to the changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge, towards the development of a sustainable society that promotes and protects the equality, social justice and Human Rights for all.

Success Stories

My conscious journey began around the age of 19. I began reading books, watching YouTube videos about Marcus Garvey, Ivan van Sertima, Malachi Z York, all of our great thinkers. This really started a hunger to know more about our native Bantu traditions and culture in general so that is one of the greatest motivations to be part of your group. I look forward to the interaction with you all. It’s a blessing to get the chance to tap into the knowledge of our ankhcient ancestors.

Sherwood Feliksdal , South America


Greetings my Bantu family, elders and you the young men and women of the Afrikan Diaspora.  It is indeed an honour and my good fortune to offer my message of goodwill to you, the chosen ones, who have been the born fortunate to be awakened by Our Creator through our noble Ancestors at this critical, opportune time in the history of our planet.

We, the awakened ones, are now faced with the responsibility of seeking and imbibing the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of our ancient Ancestors, the great ones who built the original magnificent civilizations of this earth.  It is, therefore, imperative for us to strengthen our bodies, minds and spirits for the monumental task ahead of us.  We must gird our loins with patience, temperance, fortitude, humility and endurance as we embark on this noble task.  We look to our leaders, the wise ones among us to guide us in this endeavour.

Our goal is the jewel of higher Universal consciousness in the fight to liberate our Mother Afrika and her children from the clutches of the Negative (Kalinkwe) power that has engulfed and enslaved the minds of our Bantu people.  We MUST aspire to be the true initiates of the secrets of Life and Creation, evoke the Power within us and invoke our good noble and warrior Ancestors, as mandated by Our Creator, Amen Ra, so that our good works may manifest a thousand fold.

May you walk in the Light and Power of Ubuntu  and may good fortune be with you all always.


All my most honoured  fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters ‎of  BaNTu family, I greet you all in the name of our ever living Great ancestors. I want to reaffirm that am living my best  life and happy to ever come to such realisation. At this moment I  don’t care what the outcast ‘Leper’ said or has to say but I do care what my ancient Greats said in the past, what they are saying now and what they will say in future. I pray that all my thoughts, actions, conviction and words be guided by the righteous path chanted by our Great fore fathers and mothers. I don’t fear death anymore. May all our consciousness and unconsciousness be forevermore glued & guided by The Divine Teachings of our Great mother Isisu within and without us.

Odero, Kenya

Brothers/Sisters Greetings, at the time of your conception you have been selected by Our Indiginous Ancestors for a great work, this work is specific and entrusted to you. Your very existence depends on it, by this I mean the liberation of Our People, the one and Only Original of Planet Earth. The Bantu People. Taken from different locations for the task at hand a much stronger way of life is the expected outcome, as each one removes the stains of the past and present a bright and shining UBuntu . We call upon the Host of Divine Principalities to instruct, guide and protect each one of you in the Leadership of the Great and Mighty Aman Ra the Master of the Universe.

Elder Pa Ma Keele, St. Lucia Island.

My conscious journey began when I was 30 years of age. I started to change my diet, stopped relaxing my hair and started listening to the same Afro Surinamese radio program. That program kick-started the urge to know more about several African related topics but mostly about the history of Africa before slavery and colonialism. I also began reading books, watching YouTube videos and documentaries like Hidden Colours. The more I watched, the more I wanted to know about our native African traditions and culture in general so that is one of the greatest motivations to be part of your group.  I look forward to learning and grow together. It’s a blessing to get the chance to tap into the knowledge of our ancestors. Let’s empower our collective to become the great leaders again we once were! ✨💫✨

Juanita.  Surinam (South America) moved to the Netherlands

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